How to create a word cloud

Customizeyourownwordcloudinthefollowingformat[word],[size],[color].Maximum2000words.美牛,1455,1立委,1147,1節目,328,2警方,193,2吳宗憲,135,2 ...,說明.生成網頁,文本文件或其他任意文本輸入的詞云可視化用於快速細分/概述頁面內容,或者至少是文檔的流行語...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Word Cloud Generator

Customize your own word cloud in the following format [word],[size],[color]. Maximum 2000 words. 美牛,1455,1 立委,1147,1 節目,328,2 警方,193,2 吳宗憲,135,2 ...

Word Cloud Generator - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

說明. 生成網頁,文本文件或其他任意文本輸入的詞云可視化用於快速細分/概述頁面內容,或者至少是文檔的流行語。 要開始使用詞云軟件,只需將文本複制並粘貼到其中,然後按運行 ...

The 10 Best Word Cloud Generators for Your Project (formerly Tagul) creates stunning images and is easily one of the best word cloud generators out there. You can upload an image and ...

Create Stunning Word Clouds is an online word cloud generator that enables you to create amazing and unique word clouds with ease.

HTML5 Word Cloud

Get the most frequent terms in an tag cloud representation, powered by HTML5.

Create word clouds

Easy to make custom word art. Thousands enjoy every day. Fast & secure. WordItOut, the free word cloud generator online since 2010.

Free Word Cloud Generator

Type, paste or upload text into our word cloud generator, customize your word cloud, then experience the power of sentiment data when properly visualized.

Word Cloud Generator: Create Word Clouds for Free

Use our free Word Cloud generator to automatically display poll answers in a visual word cloud during presentations, webinars, all hands meetings and more.

Create live word clouds for free

Display your audience's thoughts in a beautiful word cloud. The words appear in real time as people submit them. Create word cloud polls for free.

Free online word cloud generator and tag cloud creator ... is a free online word cloud generator and tag cloud generator, similar to Wordle. Create your own word clouds and tag clouds.


Customizeyourownwordcloudinthefollowingformat[word],[size],[color].Maximum2000words.美牛,1455,1立委,1147,1節目,328,2警方,193,2吳宗憲,135,2 ...,說明.生成網頁,文本文件或其他任意文本輸入的詞云可視化用於快速細分/概述頁面內容,或者至少是文檔的流行語。要開始使用詞云軟件,只需將文本複制並粘貼到其中,然後按運行 ...,